About JBDF
What is JBDF ?
History of JBDF
Hokkaido Division
Eastern Japan Division
Central Japan Division
Western Japan Division
Kyushu Division
JBDF Activities
Wishes of JBDF

About JBDF


JBDF Activities


Promotion Activities:

(1) To hold an annual Dance My Life Ball.
(2) To organize an annual Congress.
(3) To organize an annual All Japan Sports Dancing Festival.
(4) To participate in various activities of public interests such as the National Life-Long Study Festival organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(5) To provide short courses on ballroom dancing.
(6) Engagement in the study to introduce ballroom dancing into the public school curriculums.
(7) Publication of JBDF bulletin "Dance My Life" (three issues per annum).


(1) Japan International Dancing Championships
(2) JBDF Professional Dancing Championships
All Japan Amateur Dancing Championships
(3) All Japan Ten Dance Championships
(4) Super Japan Cup Dance
(5) Competitions organized by our divisions and branches
(6) Ranking Competitions
(7) All Japan Championships for Primary, Junior and Senior High School Students


(1) Steering Committee
1 Competitions Planning and Promotion Division
2 Competitive Dancing Promotion Division
3 Junior Dance Development Division
4 National Team Training Division
5 National PDI (Professional Dance Instructor) Association Establishment Division
6 National Amateur Regional Association Establishment Division, etc.
(2) Screening Committee
1 National Adjudicators Committee
2 Instructors Qualifying Committee
3 Membership Administration Committee
4 Score Control Committee
5 Competition Results Qualifying Committee
6 Examination and Publication Committee, etc.

Institute for Dancing Culture in 21st Century:

(1) Planning policies to promote the ballroom dancing culture
(2) Research and study on ballroom dancing
(3) Project on public school curriculum development
(4) Providing short courses for junior dance instructors/coaches
(5) Dispatching instructors/coaches to schools and related teachers' bodies
(6) Coordination and cooperation with various institutions and bodies concerned